
Continuum Shaders

Continuum Shaders Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a shader for high-performance machines and cinematics. The sunlight looks incredible, while it also dazzles if you look directly into it. Ultra-realistic clouds are flying in the sky, giving it a superb contrast. The shadow effects work perfectly combined with the lightning effects, as well as the distance rendering. […]


AstraLex Shader allows creators to take and improve thier game visual experience to make the best possible content or to enjoy playing a better visual game experience  

Voyager shader

The Voyager shader 2.0 is an improvement of the first Voyager, correcting the shortcomings of the first and adding some new effects!  Optifine Voyager shader 2.0 is compatible with Optifine only in 1.16.5, 1.7.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.2 and 1.9.3, in previous version the shaders will doesn’t work correclty Download Optifine Iris Voyager shader is compatible […]

Vanilla Plus

It also offers some selectable profiles that mimic popular old shaderpacks, that are sadly now outdated, namely Seus v08 and Chocapic v3 (and its, not even authorized, derivates like Rudoplays and Plunderpixels) so if you liked these packs back in the day


This shaderpack is a recreation of a modified version of SEUS v10.1 I used privately for a long time. Took me a while to match some of the unique looks the SEUS version had but I eventually figured it out. Please note that this pack does not perform better than SEUS v10.1 with the default settings due […]

Super Duper Vanilla shaders

A shader pack created to convey the style of the cancelled Super Duper Graphics Pack and other popular Minecraft titles. Developed by @Eldeston, and presented by FlameRender Studios.  License   This shader now uses the FlameRender (TM) Studios License. See LICENSE for more info.  Mod Compatibility    If you want to request mod compatibility with this shader, create an issue post in this repository […]

Sunflawer Shader

Sunflawer Shaders are shaders that are meant to bring the best out of BSL made by Capt Tatsu, basically a modified version of BSL. The clouds, the colors, the water, the reflections, the shadows are different, etc. The peformance is very high and is playable in every GPU (which means it also supports every GPU).   […]

Sora Shaders

SORA Shaders is a new shader pack inspired directly by ProjectLUMA. As expressed by the developers, they have taken many popular elements and tweaked them for further performance upgrades. Additionally, they have added some new features and ideas to further improve the shader pack’s popularity. There were undoubtedly some shortcomings in the reference pack, and the […]

Solas Shaders

Solas is a new Minecraft Java Edition shaderpack which aims to provide stunning visuals at a relatively low performance cost. It was originally intended to serve as Prismarine Shader’s successor. Please check the “Images” section to see some screenshots showcasing the shader’s visual style and general look. Features – 3D volumetric clouds and volumetric light. – Water, atmospheric […]


This is the free edition of my Soft Voxels Shaderpack, which intends to be a minimalistic and rather performant shaderpack that relies on voxels and path-tracing to give you some fast yet good looking lighting. This obviously also includes proper colored lighting from various emitters. As there is no actual shadowmap the direct light from […]